

I made breakfast with Sourdough bread, Panchetta, Comte and salad. The tea is Chai. I used Japanese vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and Parmigiano-Reggiano for the dressing. Sourdough bread maybe originates in Egypt. Panchetta and Parmigiano from Italy, Comte from France, Chai from India...
It's not surprising any more to get ingredients from all over the world, but when I think about how their history come all the way onto my table now at this moment it is still amazing.
And I really respect all the cook who deals with this vast field with an acute sense of taste and imagination. I especially like Yotam Ottolenghi since I went to his deli/cafe in Angel for the first time. I like the way he uses herbs and spices and his attention to the texture. I'm learning a lot from his book and columns. One day I'd like to attend his cooking school!


私の好きなOttolenghiというカフェがAngelにあります。最初はケーキかこのサワドウブレッドだけを買いに通い、そのうち友達にロンドン1のケーキを食べて欲しい!という時は絶対ここのカフェに連れていきました。(昔はケーキも量り売りで値段ももう少し抑えめだったのですが、、、)それからレシピ本を買って、デリメニューを自分で作るうちに、このYotam Ottolenghiのファンになってしまいました。guardianで連載をしていたのですが、今週は料理人が違うではないですか、、、!?今後がちょっと心配です。でも、この新しいレシピもおいしそうですが、、、。

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