
lazy don

It's getting too cold to shop. I made donburi with leftover in the fridge.
The sauce is made with fried tofu covered with flour and french beans seasoned with marinade I made for chicken a couple of days ago.
The marinade recipe (this is rough note): half onion roughly chopped, 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1/2tbsp olive oil, 50ml stock, half lemon juice, 1/3 tsp smoked paprica, 1tsp honey, handful of chopped parsley, 1/6 tsp ground corriander, and s&p for 3-4 chicken thigh.
I marinated it overnight then roasted for 40mins with the marinade. It tasted good and I couldn't throw away the marinade. So it became the sauce for today's donburi.

まずはロースト用のマリネのレシピから:玉ねぎ半分、にんにく1かけ潰したもの、1/2tbspオリーブオイル、ブイヨンストック50ml、レモン汁半分、1/3tspスモークドパプリカ、1tspはちみつ、パセリ片手いっぱい、1/6 tspコリアンダー(スパイス)、と塩胡椒少々。このマリネに鶏の胸肉やもも肉を一晩つけて、次の日にマリネも一緒にローストします。チキンはサラダなどと頂き、残りのマリネをとっておきます。鶏肉の旨味と油がたっぷり入っているので、くどいと感じられるかもしれませんが、お試しあれです。