
all the little things

What a hectic week I had! I get busy once in a while but it wasn't like that. I had to move around for something I didn't expect to happen at all! I nearly missed the deadline for the show in Aberystwyth and didn't realise how hot and nice that day was...
I'm not going to the details as it would depress me but it's happened and I wonder how you process these things in your head. Do you believe in karma? Do you think these things are meant to happen? Do you regret things you didn't do to prevent it? How long ago do you go back in that case? And how do you come out of it??

Anyway, let's move onto something happier. 
Yesterday, I went to see Grayson Perry's tapestries in Victoria Miro, which he explored with the channel 4 documentary series. The artist was the motivation that I started ceramics and his pots have been always inspiration for the fact that something can be more than something. 
And happy coincidence! The gallery was having another show at the same time: the installation by Sarah Sze. I love her work, the delicacy of it, the colour and all the little things she makes. It reminds me that the universe is interconnecting in a very fragile balance. 

...And I felt OK.

私が電話をかけなければ、、、と思いたって電話をかけている間、その瞬間をどうやって見計らう事ができたのか、私の頭にtune inしたとしか思えない事でした。ハックニーという土地柄、こういう事は日常茶飯事ですが、プロフェッショナルの技、嗅覚を思い知らされたようでした。

昨日、Grayson Perryのタペストリーを見に、Victoria Miroに行きました。そこで、Sarah Szeのインスタレーションを見つけて幸せでした。彼女の作品は、とても精巧なバランスで作られている宇宙を思わせてくれて、自分の小ささと大切さを感じさせてくれるからです。4年前の同じギャラリーでのインスタレーションと比べると小さめでしたが、それでも、どうやって作ったのか、、と思うと途方もない仕事で、彼女の繊細さと遊び心も感じられるきれいな作品でした。

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