

This saturday I went down to Billingsgate to get some fish to BBQ at my friends' daughters' joint BD party on the next day. We left Hackney after 7am so must have arrived there at 7:30 which is rather late but I'm surprised that we still can get some nice fish. And my friend told me that there is a bus going down to the market so I might go there more often (than once a year).
I got half a salmon for myself too. I spent the evening scaling the fish and making sauce americaine from 25 prawn heads which is a quarter of what we peeled off in that morning.
That day was also the Queen's official birthday. I was in the studio finishing off the last bits before the firing that afternoon and saw the flypast from my balcony. Our studio is on the extension of The Mall and we see them flying over our heads every year. It must be weird for my grandparents to hear that I'm enjoying this here in London.
Oh I must get the recipe of the marinade my friend made for prawns. It was super tasty. Happy BBQ!
午前中はマキたちと25匹の鯖を開き、100匹のエビの下準備をし、午後はスタジオで数時間、素焼きの前の一仕事をする。すると上空からゴーっという音がする。フライパス!カメラを片手にバルコニーから眺めた。私のスタジオは式典の行われているバッキンガムパレスから真っすぐ伸びる道The Mallの延長線上にあり、フライパスの飛行機も頭上を通り過ぎる。もう毎年のことなので感激もなくなっていたけれど、今回は「永遠の0」を読んでいる最中ということもあって、パイロットの技に感心していた。

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