

Now when I have a lot of time I'm trying to digest books I haven't managed to read... I'm reading 3 books at the same time.
One of them is by a brain surgeon, in Japanese. I've been fascinated by cognitive science especially since I started living in this country. I meet such diversely different people here and have been sometimes frustrated with languages and cultures. When I think I understand, it's a mind-opening event. I can only see things through my eyes and mind but am trying to widen my understanding...
Another one is by Nigel Slater. It's the thickest book I bought since the age of 13. I read English books with my computer next to it as I have to look into dictionaries. It took him 5 years to write this book and will take 10 years for me to read. The next volume is coming out in this year... I really should hurry... I enjoy the pictures, will start trying his recipes soon!
The other one is an essay, easy-reading in Japanese. The author has a great sense of humour and composition. I love anything that makes me laugh. I find humour is very difficult especially in another language. It needs a lot of understanding into the language, the history and the culture. I'm hoping to make some witty jokes in the near future!

1つはNigel Slaterというこちらの料理人さんによる本です。彼は本もよく書くのですが、これはエッセー調でイギリスの食材をとりあげつつ、いろいろのレシピを紹介したものです。写真がきれいで、見るだけでも楽しい本です。が!、読んでいます。かなり分厚い本なのですが、volume 2が今年出てきます。がんばろうっと、、、。
イギリスは食事がまずいとはよく言われますが、ここ最近は違ってきていると思います。(日本のように安くておいしい、、、というのはまだ難しいですが、、、。)特にJamie Oliver出現の影響は大きかったようですが、今は彼もただのシェフではなく、学校の給食の改善に力を注いだり、テレビシリーズとして食文化を広げる努力をしていて、同い年ながらすごいなーと本当に思います。

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