

Today I started tidying up in my glaze book.
The book I have since I started making is getting full and looked really messy. I have all the recipes I tried for earthenware, porcelain and stoneware. They are all different temperatures, colours and qualities. I can't even tell where some of the glaze recipes came from. And if I continue my making, I thought, this book cannot come with me.
So I started transfering some of the recipes I liked and uses into a new book.
I found notes of how to calculate chemical formula in glazes, which I find myself useless with. When I started I was so keen to be good at it knowing my brain is not really made for it. I really admire good glaze makers...
Anyway when I look at it, I wonder, if those who's good at making glazes can tell what the glaze would look like without really mixing the materials and firing it. I wonder if they can go 'hmm... sounds yummy!' when they hear the recipes.


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