
takikomi gohan

Chicken shiitake takikomi gohan and vegetable soup.
Takikomi gohan is like paella in Japanese style. We have a variety of it and often use dashi (fish stock) as a base. This time I tried it with bouillon, stock from dried shiitake and soy sauce. It tasted a bit different but I'm very happy with it.
Here is its recipe: 7-8 shiitake sliced, chicken thigh s&p-ed, cut and pan-fried until you get the skin crispy, 2 cups white rice, 2 cups soup stock, 1 tsp soy sauce and sprinkle of salt. Bring it to boil and simmer it for 15-20 mins until the water's gone with the lid on all the way. (And don't open it. Glass lid is perfect for this.) Fold chopped dill into the cooked rice and leave it for 10 mins until the rice get settled.


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