
london 2012 -2

We've gone into the second week of the Olympic games. It's quite amazing to see Londoners getting hooked on it despite they didn't seem interested before at all.
Me, too. I was thinking I would continue my daily routine as usual, but I'm watching it on a big screen in the park nearby when having lunch and catching up with the rest later at home. I even went to arenas to support Japanese team!
I can't believe we had riots a year ago. It has been very peaceful and lively in a very nice way this year. I saw some children playing with fences and rails trying to make acrobatic movement in a playground. The kids in my neighbbourhood is playing basketball which I'd never seen them doing. Definitely the Games is inspiring us.
I'm also trying to make bigger bowls to achieve my best record (and of course for the next show). Although, it has not been so successful. I must push myself hard!!

I took the picture from Emirates Air Line which is London's new form of transport on Thames. It was such a great fun! If you're not afraid of height, please take a ride!

写真はこの夏ロンドンに現れた新しい交通手段のケーブルカーです。グリニッチとそのテムズ河北岸Royal Dockを結んでいて、飛行機の着陸前の低空飛行がしばらく続くような感じで、とても楽しいです。住んでいても観光ができる。ロンドンはまだまだいろいろ発見することが多そうです。



  1. I love the Japanese Badminton outfit. That's my takeaway for the Olympics so far. "-)

    1. done by Mizuno! Apparently their shoes are made with their design requests too.
