

Here comes one of my best favourite fruits! I made compote first and put some into muffins.
I altered peach muffin recipe. I replaced peach with fig but it wasn't great as fig hasn't got much acidity. I had it with Stichelton and it tasted better so I'm thinking of adding some feta cheese or something to the recipe. I hope I get a good recipe while it's in the season.
I have been enjoying finding fig dishes here. Salad, tart, bread, pizza... We also have a bit unusual way of having it... with miso paste! I still remember "how weird!" I thought when I saw it on the dinner table. I need to look into the recipe as I've never made it by myself... 
Hopefully two recipes will be on here in the near future.

The tree house and the new bowls are in the shop at NCCD. If you live nearby please check and take some home with you!


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