
horniman museum

This Sunday I cycled down to Forest Hill to visit Horniman museum which had been on my wish-to-go list for a very long time. It's like a small Natural History Museum plus Pitt Rivers. It is also an architectually interesting place too.
The reason I wanted to visit was because I had heard about their merman. As my friend who made a visit described it simply like 'monkey head and fish tail stuck together', I was imagining an object of two animals unwillingly joined together. Actually there’s such a craft skill in it. (Have a look at this linkI've heard a few mummified fake merman/mermaids like this are enshrined in Japan. I would love to know the intention behind these creatures. 
What I loved about the museum is their display from the Victorian era: the font, interesting ways of classification and the fact this is one man's passion, of very British, a tea merchant. 
I really appreciate the whole idea we can freely access to these places.

この日曜日はホーニマンミュージアムに行ってきた。ここは冬が終わると行ってみたくなるものの、なかなか行けずにいたところ。ロンドンは南側のForest hillという場所にあって、ハックニーからは自転車で片道1時間半というところにあるから。気候が良くなければ行きたくないし、暑くなっても行きたくない。でも、興味だけはずっとあった。

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