

Yesterday my friend took me to Whitechapel Gallery for the preview of Alice Neel. It was little depressing as the first few pictures were about the two daughters she lost and I couldn't get rid of the tragic story of her own while I was looking at other paintings. But they are insightful with colourful strong brushmarks.
After that I was invited to his Russian friend's dinner. He thought I should try delicacy from Latvia: smoked fishes. One was a kind of flatfish which is also familiar in Japan but the other one was catfish, I'd never eaten... I was so scared at the look of it but tried it! It was white flesh with no much taste. It felt similar to cod with little smell of mud. If I didn't know what it was I might have enjoyed it more... Anyway it was experience.
(No picture of the fish... sorry... The picture is from the conversation I joined the earlier evening.)

昨日はビルが彼のロシアの友達の夕食に招待してくれました。ビルはLeila's shopのライラの父親で、manuたちのお友達です。(冗談でからかうので、日本人は老人に敬意を払うのに、、、と言われます。)私の食べ物ばかりのブログを見て、彼の友達がラトビアから持ってきた魚の薫製を食べさせようと思ったようでした。

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